Cover Art, So much fun working with The Novocaines on cover art for their new singles, April, 2013, Australia

FREEDOM-PLEASE Cover Art by Carl Gopal 2013

The Novocaine's new singles Freedom Please & Till Deathhave my artwork White Noise on the cover (click on the links). This new sound connects with metal in a really original way, while keeping what's essential to these guys. I love it. The best stop-over for all the latest news on the band is their facebook page:

Carl Gopalkrishnan (aka Gopal)

Over the past two decades, Carl Gopalkrishnan's artwork has garnered international recognition for his ability to forge meaningful connections between art & literature and the complex dynamics driving international law, intervention and global conflict. Carl transforms familiar cultural artefacts into new myths so legal and military minds can explore the creative, subconscious and emotional stories that shape their doctrines of war & peace.

Writings: My new article for The Queer Psychoanalysis Society’s journal The Qouch, April 2013, USA


Conference Exhibition: My portrait of Professor Caslav Brukner ‘A Parable Of A Physicist And Twin Torsos’, University Of Surrey Sept 2012 UK