Radio Interview: RTRFM West. Australia


Thank you to RTRFM for inviting me to speak about my exhibition The Assassination of Judy Garland at 464 Smart Space, Perth WA. RTRFM has always been a consistent supporter of my work for many years. Deepest thanks. It was so kind of them to interview me about this series of works, even if they maybe misunderstood that these paintings were influenced by women surrealists as much as paperback covers from the 1950s. So I wouldn’t call myself a surrealist as such, if anything my work evolved from my interest in folk and naive art in my teens. That aside, it was great fund talking on RTRFM, and that people still find painting interesting amongst all the digital noise.

Thank you also to The Guardian Express Arts, Community Newspaper Group, Perth Western Australia and their editors. Explaining the content of this work to people has been in challenge in Australia, and although I hesitated to exhibit it in Perth, I felt that as an exhibition it would be good to honour the community of Northbridge where I began my practice as an artist in in the late 1980s.

2012 LICC Short-listed artist (Painting category)

I should also mention I am honoured to be short-listed for The London International Creative Competition, a showcase that mixed design, fine art and 3D creativity from the world and showcases in London in an exhibition and annual design book. Enormous thanks to the judges for especially helping to highlight the complex issue of legal attacks on Australian Wikileaks journalist Julian Assange in my painting Song of Julian Assange: a chanson des geste (2010).

Carl Gopalkrishnan (aka Gopal)

Over the past two decades, Carl Gopalkrishnan's artwork has garnered international recognition for his ability to forge meaningful connections between art & literature and the complex dynamics driving international law, intervention and global conflict. Carl transforms familiar cultural artefacts into new myths so legal and military minds can explore the creative, subconscious and emotional stories that shape their doctrines of war & peace.

New Publishing: London Progressive Journal article, ‘A Jurisprudence of New Capabilities’


Media: I was interviewed for ABC TV News about arts funding before my exhibition opening, 5 Aug 2013